What are the new special contact lenses combining comfort advantages of soft lenses with crisp vision of rigid lenses?
These very special lenses, only available from a handful of practices in the UK, are called 'Hybrid Contact Lenses' they have the comfort advantages of soft lenses through a 'soft skirt' and the inherent crispness of vision rigid lens wearers enjoy through the optic over the pupil. They have many advantages, some of which are:
• Stable vision that varies very little compared to rigid lenses, with far less lens movement.
• Crisp vision compared to soft lenses
• Less prone to vision changes due to lens dehydration
• Suitable for certain careers/sports/activities where stable vision is needed; athletes, pilots, police etc. or when in dusty environments
• Less variation in vision compared to soft toric lenses for patients with astignmatism
• Available in prescriptions that correct distance and near vision to replace the need for multi-focal or multiple pairs of spectacles
• Improved comfort compared to rigid lenses
• Very high oxygen delivery to the eye surface
• All this delivered in a care programme with monthly charges similar to soft daily disposable lenses
To discuss if this may be suitable for you, in advance of a visit to the pratices in Nantwich or Wakefield, please see the email details at the bottom of this article.
Is it new, safe and effective?
The lenses have a long and successful track record in the USA, which is where your lenses would come from. New developments mean, that after measurements using extremely accurate instrumentation, your lenses are designed and tailor made specifically for you, they are about as far away from mass market production as can be.
Could I be suitable?
Patients with high prescriptions, astigmatism and/or an additional reading prescription can be suitable. The lenses offer the advantage of providing more stable vision than conventional lenses. Just as with all contact lenses a thorough examination is required, then an extremely specialised instrument is used to measure your eye's surface. This data is then used to produce individually tailored lenses to suit your precise needs. It is quite possible no one else in the world will have lenses to the same design!
How does the Hybrid Contact Lens Care Programme work?
The programme has been designed to provide all clinical visits and pairs of lenses that would normally be required, including any prescription changes if required. Even if there are no prescrition changes we like our patients to be wearing lenses in an optimum condition so normally six monthly replacement works well for the majority of wearers. These programmed lens renewals and all the clinical care are included in the care programme.
What are the charges?
The Hybrid Contact Lens Programme is not funded by the NHS. All visits, initial and regular replacement lenses are included in the programme fees. More detailed programme charges can be given on request. We are hoping to commence this programme in 2022.
What do I do next?
If you would like to discuss Hybrid Contact Lenses as they may relate specifcally to you or contact us for non-urgent eye care discussions related to dry eyes or contact lenses you can by email:
- Andrew D Price (Nantwich or general enquiries)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Mr Ganeshbabu Mahalingam MPhil PhD FCOptom FBCLA ProfHigherGlaucoma (Wakefield)
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Personal portfolios can be found here:
- Mr Andrew D Price FBDO(Hons)CL MBCLA
- Mr Ganeshbabu Mahalingam MPhil PhD FCOptom FBCLA ProfHigherGlaucoma