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I offer a dedicated specialist Eye Drop User Review to ensure your instillation technique is both safe and effective. 

Taking Eye Drops

Instilling eye drops correctly is neither intuitive nor necessarily easy. There are a number of challenges and issues that can play a part, some of which are mentioned below:

  • Positioning bottle so the eye is not missed
  • Not touching the eye/lids with the bottle
  • Squeezing the bottle too little/too  much
  • When to instill the drops
  • How to use with other eye drops
  • What side-effects are to be expected
  • How can I minimize the possible systemic and eye side effects
  • Why are they important use

All of these issues can be looked at and addressed in an Eye Drops User Review

How will I be helped?

You will be observed instilling your drops to assess how safely and effectively they are being currently used. Then if needed better techniques can be shown.

Many studies have revealed patients using eye drops have difficulty instilling their drops and that the safety and efficacy of their eye medication can be improved with education, training and practice under instruction from an Eye Care Professional.

More detail on how we help?

Please express your interest in an Eye Drop User Review so we can arrange the specific appointment(s) required, as this is a pilot project unique to this practice/clinic there is no charge to you or the NHS for this.
Points we will consider include:

  • Techniques to hold and position the bottle
  • Specific magnification and lighting
  • Ability to squeeze the bottle
  • Possible use of compliance aids to help better position and squeeze the bottle.
  • Timing of drops instillation and their use with other eye medications
  • How to avoid side-effects
  • Why instilling your drops safely and effectively is so important

Eye Drops

Don’t struggle instilling eye drops, be reassured you are using them safely and effectively

I have set-up a pilot programme called an Eye Drops User Review. Using techniques, education and compliance aids advocated by the International Glaucoma Association. The appointment is focused on reducing the many challenges using eye drop medication can pose.

Having spent many months working in a glaucoma clinic and currently an author and educator of fellow Eye Care Professionals I understand how eye drop medication use can be improved for many patients and provide practical help and answers to your eye medication usage.

What do I do next?

Email me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss further, with a view to arranging an initial appointment in my Cheshire clinics.


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