If you have never worn Contact Lenses, are a lapsed or a current wearer – we want first of all, to start this article with a confession! We love the science of Contact Lenses and Contact Lens Practice! We also know that 99% of Contact Lens wearers love them too! Even people who fall out of love (with other people) hope they will find that special one, it’s much the same with Contact Lenses – somewhere out there is a special lens for you. If you haven’t found it yet, we as your local Contact Lens Practitioners can help you find it.
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Eye research charity poll shows Brits put their eyesight at risk through dangerous contact lens habits. Poll results released today (11/07/2019) by charity Fight for Sight highlight that many Brits are frequently putting their eyesight at risk through unsafe contact lens habits, unaware that these could lead to a painful and sight-threatening eye infection called Acanthamoeba keratitis.
Read more: Brits put their eyesight at risk through dangerous contact lens habits
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ADP-EyeCare professionals prescribe a large range of contact lenses (legally they are medically devices so only registered Contact Lens Opticians, optometrists and doctors are allowed to do this). They also provide first-class aftercare services to support your successful wear. Many lens options are available, which can be a little bewildering, they will give you expert guidance.
They may hold specialist qualifications in contact lens practice and teach other practitioners on the subjects of contact lenses and dry eye, the aim is always to find the lens type that suits your lifestyle and gives you the best possible vision and comfort. Every eye is unique, they use exams and tests to identify pre-existing conditions that all too often are the cause of lens wear not being successful – if you have stopped contact lens wear in the past, as many do, it could well be these conditions, which can be improved, were missed.
If you have been told you are not suitable for contact lenses a second opinion could be worthwhile. They particularly welcome the more interesting cases: astigmatism; multifocal; post-ocular surgery; post-LASIK; myopia control, etc.
They like to think they are always looking for steps forward in examinations and care for patients, so not every test, exam, treatment, therapy or product is delivered in the same way by every practitioner at the same time, as they evaluate and constantly look to improve the already excellent results.
Contact Lens FAQs
Kathyrn Chidwick BSc(Hons) Ophthalmic Dispensing, in a recent article in Re:View the ABDO College journal, discussed the possible interactions between ocular cosmetics and contact lenses. Her critical research analysis found studies revealing eyeliner to migrate into the tear film and interacting with contact lenses. One of the interactions was to decrease the light transmission through the lens, where as another separate interaction caused some lens materials to expand and others to contract!
Eyeshadow was also found to cause changes in lens hydration and swelling, with a particular material in many lenses absorbing far more pigment than others.
Good practice would be for patients to apply contact lenses before cosmetics and remove them before using cosmetic cleansers.
Even without adverse contact lens effects, her critical research analysis also found studies that revealed high contamination of ocular cosmetic products being used by patients with potential sight-threatening bacteria and fungi. It is strongly advisable for ocular cosmetics not to be shared or used past their expiry date.
The same research analysis found studies showing eye liner can destabilise the tear film and block the vital meibomian glands in the eye lid. Many skin-care products contain retinoids, these may cause or exacerbate meibomian gland dysfunction, more on this can be found here.
Allergic reactions to the multitude of chemicals found in ocular cosmetics have been known for many years, even leading to a dermatitis condition on the eye lids, from the ocular cosmetics themselves, or hair products
The complete article, kindly granted permission for republication here, can be found in the December 2021 issue of Re:View
Never apply eye makeup over the oil glands that line the very edge of your upper and lower lids, just inside the eyelash line. These are the glands that secrete oils to keep the eye lubricated. If you need to use an eye drop, apply it 15-30 minutes before putting on your makeup.
Makeup Hygiene
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If you suffer from severe and chronic dry eye and are intolerant of eye makeup try highlighting other aspects of you face, such as your lips and cheeks, which allows you to highlight your natural beauty without ever touching your eyes.
There is a small but real risk of contracting eye infections from water, possibly the most serious infection, but not the only one, is Acanthamoeba Keratitis, it can be sight-threating and life-changing. The wearing of swimming goggles or a mask over contact lenses reduces the risk of infection but doesn't eliminate it.
Therefore to be as risk adverse as possible anyone with a vision correction wanting to partake of water sports should wear prescription goggles, not contact lenses at all. This also has the benefit that should anyone want to fall asleep after their exercise in the water the can do easily!
Yes, certainly this is quite possible. Key to success is recognising these are rather special and perhaps require even more ‘TLC’ in the exam, assessment and prescribing process.
Yes, this is quite possible. The answer almost certainly lies in improving the quantity and quality of the tears in a specific way, something simple dry eye drops can’t do. So as part of the exam, assessment and prescribing process, specific dry eye therapy may be included. As part of the ethos of providing the best care possible we recognise accurate and timely testing in eye care is vital, as it is in medicine generally, we both have available a test that can not only detect dry eye and contact lens discomfort inflammation, but measure its degree as well, no other test in the world does this and we are proud to be pioneers in its use.

Yes, certainly. Contact lenses for astigmatism have been available for over 40 years. Generally success rates and vision, with an ever expanding range of designs and prescriptions, has never been higher. I have a unique approach to assessing these lenses, so we can gauge probable success in your real world.
Yes, certainly. Multifocal contact lenses have been available for over 40 years. Generally success rates and vision, with an ever expanding range of designs and prescriptions, has never been higher. I have a unique approach to assessing these lenses, so we can gauge probable success in your real world.
Yes, good vision in contact lenses is a combination of factors; the power of the lenses, the way the lens sits on your eyes surface and the influence of your eye lids and tears. All need to work in harmony to give good stable vision.
It is always best to take an individual approach to prescribing contact lenses, looking in detail at all of the influences that contribute to vision in contact lens, especially before you commence wear. Only when all these factors are at their best do you get your optimum contact lens vision.
Yes, while modern contact lenses, especially soft lenses, are inherently comfortable initially, it is true comfort very often reduces later in the day, leaving many wearers wishing they could wear them for longer.
Knowing this is the case for you I would prescribe specific lens designs and materials I know contribute to comfortable wear, while at the same time I would assess your eye’s surface and make it as healthy as possible for lens wear. In my view it is the sub-optimal surface of the eye, very common nowadays, that while not giving problems when not wearing lenses, very often leads to contact lens discomfort. This doesn’t have to remain the case. As part of the ethos of providing the best care possible we recognise accurate and timely testing in eye care is vital, as it is in medicine generally, we both have available a test that can not only detect dry eye and contact lens discomfort inflammation, but measure its degree as well, no other test in the world does this and we are proud to be pioneers in its use.